Free-Range Parenting: Knowing When to Let Go

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Free-Range Parenting

I asked our 9-year-old son if he thought he and his 6-year-old brother were old enough to walk the mile between our home and the neighborhood community pool without me or Mom.

He shook his head “no” before I finished the question.

“Maybe in one more year,” he said. “But right now … it’s a mile.”

He paused to marvel at the magnitude of the word, the vast distance it represents for a third grader, the incomprehensible here-to-thereness of it.

“There’s so much chance of bad stuff happening along the way,” he continued. “Like, what if there’s a snake or something?”

Yes. Exactly.

What if the mean streets of our suburban Central Florida neighborhood were over-run by an army of hungry Burmese pythons, on the hunt for new meat after eating all the rabbits and deer in the Everglades?

Or something?

Something like aggressive, stinging fire ants, which can swarm up a small child’s leg in an instant and inflict dozens of painful wounds.

Something like reckless high school-age kids tearing around the neighborhood like idiots on modified, rocket-propelled golf carts.

Something like a careless driver flying along far too fast to see two little boys alone crossing the road.

Something like open bodies of water – retaining ponds, drainage creeks and golf course lakes.

Free Range Parenting
Actual alligator sunning itself near the sidewalk connecting our house and the community pool. It looked hungry to me.

Something like the alligators that frequent those bodies of water. (Seriously. They’re everywhere. See photo.)

Something like a bad person looking for an unprotected kid to take.

Something like an over-zealous “good Samaritan” watchdog poised to place a panicky phone call to an over-zealous law enforcement agency that stands ready to over-zealously protect the children of the world from parents who have the gall to allow their kids to walk alone on a public sidewalk less than a mile from home.

It’s a jungle out there, right?

No. No, it’s not. Not here.

It’s a pleasant, 15-minute stroll, with broad sidewalks attended by shade trees the whole way. Wide strips of low-cut St. Augustine grass form a green, well-tended barrier between the walkways and the occasional passing minivan.

It’s a nice neighborhood. It’s a safe neighborhood. It’s the kind of place where friends respond gladly to neighbors in need. Crime is low.

This is home.

Yet, even in this idyllic setting, danger lurks behind every swaying palm tree. The seemingly tranquil stretch between our driveway and poolside actually is a battle scape.

In my mind, at least.

Listen, we trust our sons. They have proven worthy of that trust time and again. They are growing up well and confident.

But they’re kids, and we’re parents. They don’t yet possess the capacity to deal with crises — or even minor conflict — without adult supervision. It’s our job as their parents to help them learn those skills, and part of learning means failing at it. We understand that, but we’re not going to be irresponsible about it, either.

So, when they play outside, they must do so within shouting distance of the front or back doors. If they plan to go inside at someone else’s house, they must let us know where they’ll be and for how long.

When they want to go swimming, we take them to the pool. One day soon they’ll ride their bikes or walk that mile alone, but not yet.

Does a cautious approach make us helicopter parents? Are we over-protective? Too risk-averse for the healthy emotional development of our sons?

No. We aren’t over-protective. We are risk-averse, admittedly, but who in his right mind is risk-agreeable when it comes to their own kids? We aren’t Free-Range parents, either.

We are, simply, parents.

My wife and I are doing everything we can to prepare our kids to live life well. We also are doing everything we can to make sure they enjoy a happy childhood, and we’re in no hurry for that to end.

Confession: My greatest fear is that something catastrophic will happen to one of my sons, and I won’t be there to help them.

I’m not paralyzed by this fear. I don’t sit in the dark and rock back and forth, contemplating the horrific potential of the havoc rendered by the forces of darkness.

But the fear is there. I can’t deny it. It might not be rational, especially when you consider the statistics behind this recent Washington Post headline: There’s never been a safer time to be a kid in America.

Still, I want to protect them. I need to protect them. It’s more than a sense of responsibility or duty. The compulsion is visceral. It’s fierce. It’s real, and it’s not going anywhere soon – if ever.

This urge to shelter them from the harshness of the world is something I’ll have to work through as a father. As they grow, so too will I.

Part of being a parent is learning when and how to let go. It’s gradual, sometimes imperceptible, but eventually – they let go of their need for reassurance. They no longer feel the urge to look over their shoulders and make sure we’re still there. They let go and move on, alone in the world but ready for what comes.

When that happens, I’ll have to be ready to let go, too.

Not yet, though. Not just yet.

Maybe in one more year. But right now … it’s a mile too far.

Free Range Parenting
One day, he won’t look back to make sure I’m there. I need to be ready for that day. I’m glad it’s not here yet, though.

9 responses to “Free-Range Parenting: Knowing When to Let Go”

  1. arnoldob Avatar

    It’s funny how this closely echoes my fears for my 7 years old daughter. I want her to be free to play & visit friends in the neighborhood. But there’s always that “what if” fear nagging in the background. We paid for the privilege of living in the lowest crime area in Hillsborough county, yet there’s still that noticeable inner voice whispering a digest of every horrible child abduction story I’ve ever heard.

    1. Carter Gaddis Avatar

      Exactly. And snakes. And alligators. And fire ants. But I have to grow right alongside my sons. Part of that is learning when to let them go do what they’re going to do, with or without me and their mom.

  2. Lora Avatar

    It’s all about balance and that, to me, is what it sounds like you are doing! (My brother couldn’t wait to walk the mile home from the bus stop growing up; I never cared and liked the company if my parents were with me! Interesting food for thought.)

  3. KindaZennish Avatar

    Having moved here from out west where alligators were strictly zoo animals they are my biggest fear when letting my kids roam the neighborhood. Fortunately for me my youngest is 13 so I feel pretty confident letting them go to the park or friends in the area by themselves. Of course I also signed them up for Tae Kwon Do and MMA. Too bad I doubt that will help them with the critters…

  4. Dave Lesser Avatar

    Well said. We’re still a bit young (6 and 3) and we live in Jersey City (not exactly idyllic), but the time is coming sooner than we imagine when we will have to let go. My wife is very risk averse. I’m not, not really. But, they’re still my kids. Like you, I worry I won’t be there to protect them. Or haven’t prepared them to protect themselves.

  5. […] Should the government govern parenting styles? At The Washington Post, journalists Donna St. George and Brigid Schulte discuss the free-range parents and the legal issues they are facing.  And if you’re looking for a practical take on parenting styles, read Carter Gaddis’s piece on the choices we all make. […]

  6. […] brought up a terrific, thoughtful and thought-provoking piece by fellow dad blogger Carter Gaddis on giving kids freedom whilst simultaneously keeping them safe. His free range parenting story […]

  7. postpostmoderndad Avatar

    I don’t let my kids walk the block and a half from our house to their school without me taking them at least halfway and even then if I don’t walk them the whole way (about once every 2 weeks) I watch them until then turn past the building and into the school property. And we live in a good neighbeohood. There’s even ANOTHER school in between our house and their school.

    But that’s part of the problem. There are too many predators out there, and I’m not referring to aligators. There was a suspicious truck parked outsite the playground of the school last year and the guy was just *watching* the school kids. Even the cops came and sat on the guy but ultimately couldn’t do anything. That was less than a block from our house. Within a mile radius of us there are stories of people trying to lure kids into their cars walking to and from school. Several over the last few years. Thankfully none of them successful but we always hear about it because the schools send out alerts.

    Things are different from when we grew up. It sucks. I hate being overly cautious. It gives me anxiety and I’m sure it is contributing to my ulcer.

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